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Welcome to Fit Body Shop!

Nutrition solutions at your fingertips.

Jara Soost MS, LAT, ATC, PES, CES, OPE-C

Hello! I am Jara. I am a licensed athletic trainer and have been helping people reach their health and sport performance goals for over 20 years. I am excited to be in this space to extend nutrition support to those who need it. I have been a dotFIT certified practitioner for several years, helping clients and athletes fuel for success. I first got involved with dotFIT in 2010 when I was hired by Sharecare to promote Dr. Oz's Transformation Nation. We used the dotFIT platform then and I have used it ever since. It was a great way to communicate with clients and athletes in a holistic way.

As an athletic trainer, I provide nutritional coaching, specifically to athletes and active individuals. I do not provide any nutritional coaching for medical reasons. I cannot diagnose any nutritional conditions or provide measures for those conditions. The coaching I provide will help overall health while meeting any weight or sports performance goals.

On-line space for all of your nutrition solutions.

How This Site Works

The nutrition services I provide are online only. There are a variety of choices for you so that you can have as much or as little coaching as you need. You can click on the plans and pricing tab. There you will have three options. These options will let you choose the amount of guidance and coaching you need. If you do not feel you need any coaching at this time, you are free to sign up for your dotFIT account and shop in the store for any items you need.

The coaching I provide will include goal setting. We set up both long and short term goals so that you know you are staying on the right track. While you can choose your own diet, I will always encourage and recommend that you choose fresh, whole foods for your meals. Any nutritional gaps may be supplemented with dotFIT products as needed.

Refuel, Rebuild, Recover

Nutrition is an important aspect of all activities we do and the harder we compete the more specific we need to be with our goals. On this blog I will post tips, recipes and videos so that you can fuel, refuel, rebuild and recover optimally. I cannot wait to hear from you! This is a great space for you to ask any questions you need.

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